WD My Passport 500GB USB3.0行動硬碟- Yahoo!奇摩購物 ... 時尚輕巧的設計;USB3.0高速傳輸;自動備份軟體;密碼保護和硬體加密.
WD My Passport Edge 500GB 超薄行動硬碟- Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 質感絕佳鋁製外殼;密碼保護硬體加密;1.2cm 超薄設計.
My Passport is not detected in my computer - Page 4 - WD Community 3 days ago my passport 500gb is not recognized by my computer. but it is recognized by Smartware but it shows "No writable WD Smartware partit... ... This worked for me, found solution elswhere on the internet. I have a 500G passport. Download Ubuntu OS .
WD External "My passport" vs "Element SE" which is better? - Western Digital - Storage I am looking for 1TB external USB3 HDD for media storing and playing directly from HDTV. I have used "My passport" for some month and satisfied. Now being confused with slightly cheaper "Element SE" version. It does not contain some backup software WD pro
★ISunfar 愛順發購物網:儲存 > 儲存設備 > 2.5吋行動硬碟 > 500G行動硬碟 120G/530系列/SATA3 固態硬碟-5年 ‧尺寸 :2.5" ‧保固 :五年保固 ‧容量 :120GB ‧傳輸(讀寫)速度 :速度:讀550/寫520(MB/s) ‧傳輸介面 :SATA 3 (6.0Gb/s) ‧緩衝記憶體 :*
WD My Passport Ultra 500GB USB3.0 2.5吋行動硬碟(黑 ... 極速傳輸USB3.0 ☆輕巧身形好攜帶 ☆使用dropbox立即享雲端備份 ☆密碼保護/硬體加密 ☆WD SmartWare pro 自動備份軟體 ☆全機三年原廠保固 ==前往其他顏色 ...
WD Passport Essential, and Smartware removal - Storage - Peripherals You can only "disable" VCD not remove it. http://www.wdc.com/wdproduct s/updates/?family=wdsmartwareutilities It's strange I've got a MyPassport 500GB 2009 and it never came with a VCD partition. I formated it and got back all my 465GB's :), no VCD icon e
WD MY Passport 移動硬碟如何加密啊?_西部數據吧_百度貼吧 上西數的官網下載一個WD Security(Windows 系統適用)軟體安裝在電腦上,運行一下就可以設置密碼了。在别的電腦上就打不開,只有安裝這個軟體後輸入密碼才能打開
【西部數據My Passport Ultra】西部數據(WD) My Passport Ultra USB3.0 1TB 超便攜移動硬碟 (鈦)WDBZFP0010BTT ...-京東 My Passport Ultra 採用緊湊型設計,容量大,可選擇本地備份或雲備份,極其適合移動數字達人的快節奏生活。配有 WD SmartWare Pro 備份軟體,既可將資料備份到硬碟本身 ...